Beyond the Food Fight: The Real Message of Romans 14 Disputes

I'm Just Serenity
6 min readDec 29, 2022
Pexels: Erik Mclean

If love does no harm to a neighbor, we cannot be people who destroy the work of God among us.

Romans 14:19–23. What’s the main concern of this passage? It’s not food.

The Apostle Paul’s been very clear up to this point — what’s at stake here isn’t about eating or drinking, or not eating or drinking.

He’s telling this church of people with many different strongly held convictions, You’re getting hung up on the wrong things.

Seriously. You’re thinking more about what you want for lunch than you are about the faith of the person sitting next to you.

Gotta put these things into proper perspective, friend.

God doesn’t care if you have the chicken or the beef. He doesn’t love you more if you’re a vegetarian.

What He’s concerned about here?

“…therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” (v. 19)

Did you catch that? Make every effort. Do whatever you can. Go out of your way. Above and beyond.

Don’t stop at do no harm. For the love of God, we have an opportunity here.



I'm Just Serenity

ADHD for Shiny Jesus Women. // I'm no expert. I'm just Serenity. // Set free to love freely. Acts 4:13. Renegades4Life. Sober 13+. #adhdisfun | #hopewriters